Logistics and Customs Matters

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We Serve in National and International Logistics and Customs matters

The complex legal structures of logistics and customs require true expertise — and that's what you get from us.

Logistics touches almost every aspect of business, whether transport is organized by land, rail, air, or sea. The legal side of logistics can involve complex issues, as the legislation governing logistics is both national and international. Complex contractual chains prevailing in the industry can also pose challenges.

We are a law firm deeply knowledgeable about the intricate structures of logistics. We assist your company in designing customs practices and procedures, and in resolving any disputes that may arise with customs authorities. Our lawyers also have experience in dispute resolution related to logistics.

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International Trade

The European Union is our home market, but international trade involves many considerations compared to domestic trade. Each country has its own legislation, which can be laborious to understand and interpret. Our lawyers help your company navigate through the legal jungle and succeed in international markets.

It's important to remember that delivering goods in international contexts involves many specifics that must always be precisely agreed upon.

In a goods transportation agreement, it is necessary to agree on at least:

  • Allocation of costs
  • Transfer of responsibility
  • Conducting export and import clearances and other documents
  • Packaging of goods
  • Inspection of goods
  • Choice of law provisions and dispute resolution terms

Only with carefully thought-out planning can we avoid many risks and help your company succeed. The earlier you contact us, the more effective our advice will be.

Turn to us, let's assess your company's situation and arrange a free initial consultation. Our office is located next to the Aviapolis train station, near Helsinki-Vantaa Airport. Meetings can be arranged either remotely or in person.

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